Posts Tagged ‘Iowa Hawkeyes’

8 Questions with Trey Dickerson

Posted: April 7, 2014 by DeadBefore50 in 2014, Basketball, Guards
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Trey Dickerson has signed to play ball with Coach Fran McCaffery and the Iowa Hawkeyes. “TD” has been a friend of the SoCalRecruitSpot site from our inception, and we caught up with the point guard as he prepares for life in the Big10.


The last time we touched base (“On the Rise”) you were just about to get your JC career started. Walk us thru the steps that led you from high school ball in LA, to a letter of intent to attend and play D1 ball at the University of Iowa

It was a long process. I learned a lot at Price HS. I didn’t qualify academically so I went to prep school in Dallas, Texas. I got cleared late and signed with Murray State. I got there and realized it wasn’t a good situation for me and wanted to reopen my recruitment and go juco for one year. I had a solid year at Williston State junior college and committed to Iowa in March


For those not familiar with your game, what does Trey Dickerson bring to the basketball court?

Brings toughness, leader, and competitor I’m all about winning I just want to do whatever it takes to win


As you prepare to make the move from JuCo to D1 ball, which area(s) of your game are you looking to fine-tune?

I just want to get my on ball defense a little better and get stronger BIG 10 is physical



What, if anything, has head Coach Fran McCaffery and/or staff shared with you regarding your role on next year’s squad?

They said I’m a big part of the team next year and they will help me get better this summer to help contribute to the team winning. I bring another ball handler that can create for myself and others


Kentucky’s Aaron Harrison has recently made a name for himself with three last second game-winning shots. In that situation are you looking to facilitate and set up a teammate, or are you pulling the trigger on the 3-ball?

I would look to find a open teammate that can knock it down but if I have to take the shot I will


I know at one point you squared off against Kyrie Irving and dropped 18 points on the future NBA’er. Does that success serve as motivation, or given the challenges you have experienced along the way, serve as a source of frustration?

That was a great experience playing against Kyrie when he was a junior in high school he killed us to but to be able to have 18 against a talented team with Kyrie on it is cool. But right now that means nothing I’m looking forward to playing for Iowa and trying to help win games


Coach McCafery decides to turn the selection of Iowa’s intro music over to Trey Dickerson. What are the Hawkeyes coming out to?

This ain’t what you want- Lil Durk


Most of what the Iowa fan base will know about you will be linked to your on-court performance. Anything non-basketball related you would like to share with the folks of Iowa City, Iowa before you hit the court?

Just I’m a cool laid back dude I like to interact with the fans and can’t wait to get out there HAWKEYE NATION STAND UP


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